Dear Friends,
Be it ever so beautiful. There’s no place like home. (L. Frank Baum)
Richmond Hill Montessori Private School is my second home; and a home-away-from-home for our students and teachers. Each morning when I arrive, I am reminded how fortunate I am to be here. The spirit thriving within these hallways is powerful. It’s a testament to the school’s culture, developed over decades of passion, friendships and education. Students, faculty, and parents form this incredible community; a community that is caring, compassionate and supportive – an environment truly fostering the love of learning.
My own journey at RHMS began in the classroom, back in 2006. I have filled the shoes of many diverse positions, each with it an opportunity to learn about the school from another angle, and to understand the complexities of each role. It humbles me to have a steady stream of former students and alumni, returning to share their great feats, and many adventures. Knowing the considerable victories they achieve each year not only motivates me, but reinforces the notion our school’s community is empowering young minds to find ambition and purpose in life.
Soon, my own children will be joining the RHMS community and walking its bustling, bright halls; they’ll witness all that RHMS has to offer, including innovative curriculum, cutting-edge resources, a variety of extra-curricular activities, enthusiastic peers, and a team of knowledgeable and supportive teachers. What a great joy it will be to watch my children grow, develop and find a sense of belonging here, like so many children before them have.
RHMS’ culture is organic; it is grown from within -- I want to thank our teachers and faculty. Your commitment to students’ well-being and your own professional development move me each day. And of course, thank you to the RHMS parents, who have continued to provide ongoing commitment and support. We remain dedicated to upholding our promise to you, “To nurture each child’s distinct talents and ensure every child feels comfortable, challenged and confident they can achieve anything.” By working together, we can encourage students to accomplish incredible things.
For families interested in learning more about RHMS, I welcome and encourage you to visit and experience our programs first-hand. You too may find your home-away-from-home.
C. Ingravalle