• Geography and culture at Montessori Elementary School #Richmond #RichmondHill #MarkhamMontessori #MontessoriMarkham

      Montessori Culture

      Culture and Geography Program is offered to children as young as three

      Geography and culture at Montessori Elementary School #Richmond #RichmondHill #MarkhamMontessori #MontessoriMarkham


Geography is the study of the earth. In our Geography Program, children as young as three are able to answer questions such as, “Who is the Prime Minister of Canada?” and “What province do we live in?”

In a Montessori setting, Geography is taught with visual, colourful materials that enhance the child’s ability to learn. The materials are objects that teach the child the shape of the earth, land and water forms, and how to identify the continents. Colour-coded puzzle maps are used to identify continents, countries, provinces, oceans, lakes, rivers, and other geographical areas of the world. Children learn how to colour and illustrate maps, write a legend for the map and, most importantly, learn the continents and countries by distinguishing them through colour and shape. Our program provides a unique and exciting style of teaching the world to our students.
    • History class teaches culture ar #BestMontessoriSchoolinMarkham #MontessoriatWeldrickandBayview #BestMontessoriSchoolinToronto

      Montessori History

      Montessori History Program investigates culture including people of ancient and modern times

      History class teaches culture ar #BestMontessoriSchoolinMarkham #MontessoriatWeldrickandBayview #BestMontessoriSchoolinToronto


Our approach to history begins with the telling of earth’s story from its beginning to the present. Through timelines, students see how people from different cultures and perspectives played a unique role in the development of something we are familiar with today. These timeline lessons are called vertical timelines: they look at the various layers of our past as an archaeologist looks through layers of a dig. Our curriculum includes an emphasis on the study of cultures, both current and historical. A child in our Montessori program will have the opportunity to investigate the people of ancient times as well as modern peoples around the world.
    • Green Awareness at Richmond Hill Montessori Private School #?? ? ? ??? #RHMSCA #MontessoriProgram #green

      Montessori Green Awareness

      Green Awareness teaches Montessori preschoolers culture and how to recycle materials

      Green Awareness at Richmond Hill Montessori Private School #?? ? ? ??? #RHMSCA #MontessoriProgram #green

Green Awareness

Our hope for a clean and prosperous earth rests with our children. To be able to leave them some legacy of Mother Nature and the environment, we educate our students by raising their awareness about environmental issues and their impact on global warming, helping them understand the urgency to act now.

Our Montessori students learn how to recycle classroom materials. Working together with parents, this education process extends itself beyond school, allowing students to exercise good recycling habits.  Our program teaches the importance of reduce, reuse, recycle, and renew. In the spring, weather permitting, students and teachers move the classroom outdoors where students plant trees and flowers around the campus.

A Private School Located in Richmond Hill, Ontario and serving the greater Toronto area since 1986.