"For our students to remain mentally alert and physically fit, we encourage and teach healthy eating habits that will assist in developing a positive attitude toward food and eating."

Healthier Suggestions for Lunch or Snack:

Fresh Fruit or Vegetables
Multigrain Bagel
Applesauce or Fruit Cups
Plain Cheerios
Rice Cakes
Wheat Thins
Plain Muffins
Veggies and Dip
Pita and Hummus
Multigrain Sun Chips
Veggie Crisps
Unprocessed Cheese and Crackers 

Read The Nutrition Labels: 
Choose a variety of foods that are low in fat, sugar and sodium, and high in fibre.

Our Food Policy

Certain food items have been recognized as inappropriate and lacking in nutritional value and are, therefore, not permitted in the school. RHMS maintains certain health policies and nutrition guidelines that are based on information and research compiled by school officials and the Ontario Ministry of Health.
Some students have life-threatening allergic reactions to certain foods. For this reason, RHMS does not permit nuts, nut products, anything that could contain traces of nut products, or shellfish of any kind in the school. 
Sabrina’s Law, passed in 2005, put into law practices we have had in place for many years. Prohibiting nuts and shellfishes on campus was implemented to protect students with severe, life-threatening allergies. RHMS will not be held liable for any consequences resulting from circumstances beyond its control with regard to the above-mentioned health issues.
Bringing outside food into the school: We do not permit restaurant food in our school without a list of ingredients and a letter from the establishment guaranteeing they are nut-free. This letter is to state that the food itself does not contain nuts, and that no nuts or nut products are used on the premises. This is to ensure there is no cross-contamination of food entering our school. All snacks for class consumption must be pre-packaged. We do not accept any homemade items for Preschool class snack. 

The following items are NOT permitted on school property at any time:

Shelfish: shrimp, crab, clams, oysters, mussels, or lobster, Peanuts, nuts, and nut butters, Rice Krispies Squares, 
Chocolate (milk, bars, spreads), Candy or Gum, Cookies, Doughnuts, Marshmallows, Ice Cream Treats, Cakes,
Cupcakes, Franchised Fast Food of Any Kind, Toaster Pastries, Frozen Waffles, Soft Drinks or Sport Drinks, Potato Chips, Fruit-flavoured Beverages that are not 100% Fruit Juice

Our Lunch Program

Our lunch facility is bright and spacious where students can take a break from their studies, enjoy their lunch, and socialize with classmates. Our lunch period remains supervised at all times and allows students to develop their social skills while respecting healthy eating habits.

Healthy Habits & Tips

  • Healthy Habits & Tips When you eat great food, drink lots of water, and get plenty of exercise, your body feels great and you can have fun with your friends. 
  • It is recommended that you drink up to 8 cups of water each day. Your body needs water to work and play.
  • You should have 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Your body needs the vitamins and minerals found in these foods to be healthy. 
  • Avoid items with a high sugar or sodium content. Eating food high in sodium can lead to a number of health issues including high blood pressure. Eating food high in sugar can affect your concentration, cause tooth decay, and contribute to other health-related issues such as diabetes.
  • Every time you play it adds up. You should aim for 60 minutes of activity a day. The benefits of this will be endless as exercise helps increase your energy level, helps you get a better night’s rest and can help decrease stress and promote happiness. 
  • Always eat breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day! When you do not eat a proper meal at breakfast, you can feel sluggish and find it hard to pay attention. By eating a proper meal before you come to school you will have higher energy, more focus, and the ability to retain new information much better. 
  • Always plan a nutritious lunch and at least two snacks for every school day. Maintaining a balanced diet with variety of food from all of the food groups will increase your energy, improve your digestion, grow strong bones, and strengthen your immune system. 
  • You also need to learn to balance all of the things you like to do. You need to balance active play time with TV or computer time. You also have to make time for homework and studying while making sure you get enough sleep.

A Private School Located in Richmond Hill, Ontario and serving the greater Toronto area since 1986.