
Admissions Update: RHMS is currently accepting Montessori and Elementary applications on limited basis for the 2025-2026 School Year. Kindly call the school or inquire online for further information.
The Montessori philosophy and method of teaching fosters a loving, independent environment tailored to the individual needs and development of each student.
Montessori School classrooms at RHMS include students who are three years and eight months, four, and five years of age, providing an abundance of opportunities for learning, helping to create a sense of community where everyone contributes to and takes responsibility for the functioning and maintenance of the environment (classroom). The older children provide leadership and guidance, and act as models for the younger children; they benefit by helping the younger children, reinforcing skills and knowledge previously learned, and gain satisfaction and self-worth by helping others. Our classrooms have no more than twenty students with two full time experienced staff members.  

Montessori Schools and their curriculum, like the world, must evolve in order to ensure they become leading Private Educational Institutions. Our Montessori School is committed to remaining current and preparing its students to participate fully and effectively in today's society.

At RHMS, we are very proud of our long-standing Montessori teachers, some of whom have chosen to work at RHMS from other Montessori Schools in Toronto. They have been with us for many years and bring vast experience and dedication to our program. Their loving and nurturing nature, along with their enthusiasm for teaching, has provided a wonderful environment for children to learn.

    • Dash and Dot exercises at Montessori School  #MontessoriSchools #AccreditedMontessoriSchools #MontessoriNearMe

      Montessori Science

      Richmond Hill Montessori students perform tasks with Dash and Dot robots

      Dash and Dot exercises at Montessori School #MontessoriSchools #AccreditedMontessoriSchools #MontessoriNearMe

    • Geography and animal activity at #MontessoriDaySchool #MontessoriPreschoolToronto #RichmondHillMontessoriPreschool

      Montessori Culture

      Materials for Animal Association with Continents Identification in Montessori Program

      Geography and animal activity at #MontessoriDaySchool #MontessoriPreschoolToronto #RichmondHillMontessoriPreschool

    • Studying the human body at Montessori Private School #Toronto #MontessoriElementary #AccreditedMontessoriSchools

      Montessori Science

      Montessori School students Identify Organs of Human Body Using Smartboard

      Studying the human body at Montessori Private School #Toronto #MontessoriElementary #AccreditedMontessoriSchools

Physical Education

The primary goal of our Physical Education program is to develop awareness of and appreciation for the importance of fitness and optimal physical health.Through group exercises, children develop better listening skills, cooperation skills, and the ability to follow directions. They learn how to respect one another’s space, interact physically, and participate with other children in a safe environment. Children are challenged to perform to the very best of their physical ability to enhance their flexibility, coordination, gross motor skills, balance, and rhythm.


Mathematics is a core subject that is practiced on a daily basis. Math concepts are presented and practiced using concrete Montessori materials such as number rods, stamp games, bead stairs, and more.These materials help to develop a child’s logical mathematical mind and problem solving skills. Once a child has mastered a concept, they move toward working at an abstract level.


Sensorial exercises develop and enhance sense perceptions and logical thinking that are vital to growing minds. Sensorial materials are designed to help a child develop and learn concepts and ideas through their senses. The material is divided into six components: Tactile (touch), Baric (pressure or weight), Thermal (temperature), Auditory (sound), Olfactory & Gustatory (smell & taste), and Stereognostic (recognition and impression) senses. Through sensorial activities, a child successfully makes inner connections with the world around them.


For a child to grasp the concepts of science, history, or geography, they must first be well-versed in language. The Montessori reading and writing learning sequence is categorized in three colour-coded levels: the Pink, Blue, and Green series of readers. Once a child masters a level, they move on to the next series. In addition to reading, students also progress through notebooks and consumables (interactive book series that provide repetitive practice). Daily writing is practiced to nurture the creative writing process while developing printing and cursive writing skills.
    • Montessori Classroom

      Montessori classrooms create a sense of community

Practical Life

Practical Life materials and activities are designed to develop a child’s everyday life skills and promote independence. Between birth and six years of age - the formative years - a child absorbs information almost effortlessly. Concepts and techniques are easily learned during this time that, later on, will be considered more difficult for an older child to learn.Some examples of Practical Life activities are dressing frames (lacing, zippers, and tying buttons), pouring and transporting liquid/solid techniques, paper cutting with scissors, sorting, and folding.


Geography, History, and Green Awareness are all a part of the Culture component of Montessori learning. Geography is taught with visual, colourful concrete materials that enhance the child's ability to learn. History is approached through time lines so students can see how people from different cultures developed from the earth's beginning to the present. Montessori students will have the opportunity to investigate both ancient and modern peoples. There is also an emphasis on raising awareness for environmental issues and learning to recycle classroom materials which builds good habits for the future.


Children, by nature, are curious, ask questions, and love exploring their world. Throughout our two-year Montessori preschool program, students are introduced to a variety of science concepts, presented in sensorial ways to provide real-life experiences. Students learn about the solar system, plants and animals, and the human body using a variety of materials.

Fine Arts

Music, Dramatic Arts, and Visual Arts are all taught at the Montessori level to foster a child's natural ability, creativity, and imagination. Learning through music encourages cognitive and literacy skills, creativity and individuality. Through storytelling, theatre performance, pantomiming, public speaking, and more, students are taught to think creatively to develop ideas and solutions. It is our goal to enhance the artistic nature within each child as well, by teaching an appreciation for and awareness of the diversity of art around us. 
    • Earth activity at Richmond Hill Montessori School #Montessori #tororonto #MontessoriSchoolsInVaughan #science

      Montessori Sensorial

      Montessori Students use Sensorial Clay Layers of Earth

      Earth activity at Richmond Hill Montessori School #Montessori #tororonto #MontessoriSchoolsInVaughan #science

    • Science experiments at Montessori Preschool #MontessoriSchoolsNearMe #MontessoriElementary #GTA

      Montessori Science

      Montessori Preschoolers Conduct Experiment in RHMS Science Lab

      Science experiments at Montessori Preschool #MontessoriSchoolsNearMe #MontessoriElementary #GTA

    • Spelling exercises at Montessori Based Preschool #RHMSCA #MontessoriDaySchool #MontessoriNorthSchool

      Montessori Language

      Montessori Students Use Concrete Materials in Spelling Activity

      Spelling exercises at Montessori Based Preschool #RHMSCA #MontessoriDaySchool #MontessoriNorthSchool

A Private School Located in Richmond Hill, Ontario and serving the greater Toronto area since 1986.